
Client update workflow implementation

The Updater class provides an implementation of the TUF client workflow. Updater provides an API to query available targets and to download them in a secure manner: All downloaded files are verified by signed metadata.

High-level description of Updater functionality:
  • Initializing an Updater loads and validates the trusted local root metadata: This root metadata is used as the source of trust for all other metadata.

  • refresh() can optionally be called to update and load all top-level metadata as described in the specification, using both locally cached metadata and metadata downloaded from the remote repository. If refresh is not done explicitly, it will happen automatically during the first target info lookup.

  • Updater can be used to download targets. For each target:

    • Updater.get_targetinfo() is first used to find information about a specific target. This will load new targets metadata as needed (from local cache or remote repository).

    • Updater.find_cached_target() can optionally be used to check if a target file is already locally cached.

    • Updater.download_target() downloads a target file and ensures it is verified correct by the metadata.

A simple example of using the Updater to implement a Python TUF client that downloads target files is available in examples/client_example.

class Updater(metadata_dir, metadata_base_url, target_dir=None, target_base_url=None, fetcher=None, config=None)

Creates a new Updater instance and loads trusted root metadata.

  • metadata_dir (str) – Local metadata directory. Directory must be writable and it must contain a trusted root.json file

  • metadata_base_url (str) – Base URL for all remote metadata downloads

  • target_dir (Optional[str]) – Local targets directory. Directory must be writable. It will be used as the default target download directory by find_cached_target() and download_target()

  • target_base_url (Optional[str]) – Optional; Default base URL for all remote target downloads. Can be individually set in download_target()

  • fetcher (Optional[FetcherInterface]) – Optional; FetcherInterface implementation used to download both metadata and targets. Default is RequestsFetcher

  • config (Optional[UpdaterConfig]) –

  • OSError – Local root.json cannot be read

  • RepositoryError – Local root.json is invalid

download_target(targetinfo, filepath=None, target_base_url=None)

Downloads the target file specified by targetinfo.

  • targetinfo (TargetFile) – TargetFile from get_targetinfo().

  • filepath (Optional[str]) – Local path to download into. If None, the file is downloaded into directory defined by target_dir constructor argument using a generated filename. If file already exists, it is overwritten.

  • target_base_url (Optional[str]) – Base URL used to form the final target download URL. Default is the value provided in Updater()

  • ValueError – Invalid arguments

  • DownloadError – Download of the target file failed in some way

  • RepositoryError – Downloaded target failed to be verified in some way

  • OSError – Failed to write target to file


Local path to downloaded file

Return type


find_cached_target(targetinfo, filepath=None)

Checks whether a local file is an up to date target

  • targetinfo (TargetFile) – TargetFile from get_targetinfo().

  • filepath (Optional[str]) – Local path to file. If None, a file path is generated based on target_dir constructor argument.


ValueError – Incorrect arguments


Local file path if the file is an up to date target file. None if file is not found or it is not up to date.

Return type



Returns TargetFile instance with information for target_path.

The return value can be used as an argument to download_target() and find_cached_target().

If refresh() has not been called before calling get_targetinfo(), the refresh will be done implicitly.

As a side-effect this method downloads all the additional (delegated targets) metadata it needs to return the target information.


target_path (str) – path-relative-URL string that uniquely identifies the target within the repository.

  • OSError – New metadata could not be written to disk

  • RepositoryError – Metadata failed to verify in some way

  • DownloadError – Download of a metadata file failed in some way


TargetFile instance or None.

Return type



Refreshes top-level metadata.

Downloads, verifies, and loads metadata for the top-level roles in the specified order (root -> timestamp -> snapshot -> targets) implementing all the checks required in the TUF client workflow.

A refresh() can be done only once during the lifetime of an Updater. If refresh() has not been explicitly called before the first get_targetinfo() call, it will be done implicitly at that time.

The metadata for delegated roles is not updated by refresh(): that happens on demand during get_targetinfo(). However, if the repository uses consistent_snapshot, then all metadata downloaded downloaded by the Updater will use the same consistent repository state.

  • OSError – New metadata could not be written to disk

  • RepositoryError – Metadata failed to verify in some way

  • DownloadError – Download of a metadata file failed in some way

Return type
