
JSON serialization

TUF role metadata JSON serialization and deserialization.

This module provides concrete implementations to serialize and deserialize TUF role metadata to and from the JSON wireline format for transportation, and to serialize the ‘signed’ part of TUF role metadata to the OLPC Canonical JSON format for signature generation and verification.

class tuf.api.serialization.json.CanonicalJSONSerializer

Bases: tuf.api.serialization.SignedSerializer

Provides Signed to OLPC Canonical JSON serialize method.

serialize(signed_obj: tuf.api.metadata.Signed) bytes

Serialize Signed object into utf-8 encoded OLPC Canonical JSON bytes.

class tuf.api.serialization.json.JSONDeserializer

Bases: tuf.api.serialization.MetadataDeserializer

Provides JSON to Metadata deserialize method.

deserialize(raw_data: bytes) tuf.api.metadata.Metadata

Deserialize utf-8 encoded JSON bytes into Metadata object.

class tuf.api.serialization.json.JSONSerializer(compact: bool = False)

Bases: tuf.api.serialization.MetadataSerializer

Provides Metadata to JSON serialize method.


A boolean indicating if the JSON bytes generated in ‘serialize’ should be compact by excluding whitespace.

serialize(metadata_obj: tuf.api.metadata.Metadata) bytes

Serialize Metadata object into utf-8 encoded JSON bytes.